
Welcome to Fortex Property Management!

We specialize in investments and property management for short and traditional rents

Our Company

«Safe investments in rental properties.»

Our goal is to maximize the profitability of the property, ensuring that the property is in excellent condition thus providing the investor with peace of mind as regards the safeguarding of their capital, attractive return on it and achieving dollarize their investment.

Property Management: Through our advice and experience we offer a specialized service for domestic and foreign investors who wish to invest in properties for Short Rents and Annual Rents.

Our Services

Our track record and experience allows us to offer our clients the benefits of optimizing investment opportunities, measuring risk and generating value for real estate investments.

Real Estate

We provide accompaniment and advice in the search for properties that allow the use of short rents and annual rents.


We undertake a detailed study of the property in order to develop the right marketing strategy.

Customer Service

Our team specializes in providing optimal service with the necessary assistance for clients renting our investors’ properties.

Financial Analysis and Reporting

We offer a complete study of the different properties that are of interest to the client, thus providing figures that can support the investment.

Interior Design

For short rentals the decoration of a property makes the difference in terms of the experience that the holiday customer may have, for this reason we offer our investors a team of companies.

Cleaning service

we understand that one of the most important factors in holiday properties (short rentals) is the proper cleaning of the property because that is where the success in the customer’s experience comes from during their stay.

Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance is a crucial aspect to successfully achieve the rental of the property for both short and annual rents.


Our professional photographers are responsible for capturing the ideal images looking for the property to be the ideal place to live or vacation.


Investment properties.

Our Partners

Our partners work hand in hand with the client investor to understand their preferences and tastes in terms of decoration, ensuring a holiday property that customers will love.

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Fortex Property Management
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